Me and Kyle

Me and Kyle
The Army Life

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Kyle has officially started his Warrant Officier Candidate School training. This training will last 7 weeks.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Basic Training Graduation Bravo 2-10

August 4, 2011
Kyle (SPC Rodgers) was the Platoon Guide for his Platoon.

Kyle was the narrator for the graduation ceremony. He was chosen to be the narrator.

Kyle and I after graduation. Time to feed him a steak!

Basic Training Family Day Bravo 2-10

Family Day, August 3, 2011

First hug in 78 days! I was so excited to finally see Kyle. Of course the Drill Sergeant made us wait and stare at our soldiers (for what seemed like forever) before we could run to them. They sure know how to tease us.